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Kansas Wesleyan University

Kansas Wesleyan is proud to announce expansion of its recent support of a regional pillar of the community, the Rolling Hills Zoo.

KWU sponsored a pair of zoo events this fall, and also served as a primary sponsor for the funding of the zoo’s Nature Playground renovation. The space provides a fully updated area for young children to play and enjoy their time at the zoo.

“Zoos are important foundations for life-long learning,” said Brad Salois, KWU’s director of marketing and communications. “KWU is proud to support Rolling Hills Zoo, one of the top such facilities in Kansas, and to have our name and logo affiliated with its efforts. This is another way we can give back to the community that gives us so much.”

KWU sponsored the playground renovation alongside 15 other regional entities, including several foundations that have helped fuel the university’s recent successes.

Kansas Wesleyan will now sponsor the pancake tortoise exhibit, helping fund the care and upkeep related to the animal for the next three years.

Visitors will see KWU included on signage within in the zoo that relates to these sponsorships.